Every second is an opportunity

We all have that one feeling "...the greatest demotivation of a man are his defective pasts" There is a time in everyone's life where it seems as though there is no hope. These times, decisions are even more difficult to take; daily plans looks worthless and cumbersome. We are usually so much thoughtfully engaged with the past that we pay little or no attention to what lies ahead of us. I have noticed that the greatest demotivation of a man are his defective pasts. He rules out plans and almost never keep to them; he makes promises which he scarcely fulfills; and makes decisions he never carries out. Most times, not because he is unwilling to keep them but because he is fallible by nature. Believe me, each time he attempts to make another plan, promise or decision; he is caged by his past. One way or another, we must have had this feeling of unworthiness and ineptitude. This feeling out of the many thieves of time, is the greatest of them all. The Go...